Sunday, 9 May 2010

A little bit more about me and my family!!

Well to start with my name is Sam and i run skyjewels a jewellery/wedding shops on Folksy and Facebook. I love creating things and been through quite a variety in my time from crosstitch to soap making! It is a running joke in our household that whatever i'm doing next will only last a month or so, but I am really enjoying this jewellery thing and have even managed to secure a corner of the dining room!!
Anyway i am 33yrs old, married and have 3 beautiful children. The oldest is Katie who is 15 soon, Jamie is 11 and recently broke his wrist on his skateboard (thats another blog entirely) and then there is my youngest Sophie who is 3 on thursday!
Oh and we have a cat who is 11, dog who is 7 mths (my baby), rabbit and a newt!!
I am also a self confessed Twilight addict!!! At the moment i am also addicted to.....Cougar Town/Glee/Vampire Diaries/Ashes to Ashes to name a few.
My pt 'proper' job is as a childcare worker at Surestart (may not be proper if tories get in though :(((((
Think just about covered everything, can't wait to do a 'Folksy Friday'
sam xx


  1. I know what you mean about crafts only lasting a month or so... I'm like that, I've tried loads of things, but move onto something else after a few weeks... however same as you I seem to be really enjoying making jewellery and think it might last! Hopefully it will for you too! :)

  2. lets hope we can also make some spending money out of it too!!
